The Palmtop Tiger

I thought that it was a little too cheap.

My poor brain has such difficulty making heads or tails of that acronym. Please, just call it FF14, its not like anyone actually TALKS about the original. Most people just want to forget.

Haters gonna hate.

Flash Sale Fable III ($5) | Where's the Fable II sale?

What if you cosplay as Snake in his cardboard box? That's pretty easy.

The game is set in the near future, but they've supposedly been working hand in hand with real militaries.

From what I've read, you're right. Diablo 3 will be arguably better on console than on PC. That having been said, I don't like Diablo 3.

No, you paid for the privilege to wear the shirt, and as a result of you wearing it in public, they are getting free publicity. Similarly, we bought the privilege to play the game and we are providing free publicity by streaming, commenting, or simply talking about the game. ;)

I literally just looked through the past month on his profile and he has only made 2 article which can even be remotely related to black culture.

I still wouldn't mind seeing a proper Conker sequel; live and reloaded doesn't count.

People still remember the Zune, it brings a tear to my eye. Don't worry little buddy, I'll never forget.

It's hardly any wonder why people would rather purchase on Wii tbh. Why would anyone want to pay $10 more for essentially the same game? You might argue that the Wii U version can use the gamepad, but the gamepad use is really unintuitive. Ubisoft is trying just enough so that people can say that they did, but not

Christ, the Darius grunting sounds are too funny.

I'm with you on that one. I've spent $30 on Steam but that's only because I've depriving myself of a few games in hopes of getting them during the steam sale: To The Moon, Scribblenauts Unlimited, FEZ, Don't Starve, and Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4. Beyond that the sales have been

"Jason!" it sometimes screams at me. "Why are you excited for Lightning Returns?

I totally agree with you, I think it was a real solid title, if it wasn't then I wouldn't have watched more than the first episode. It definitely could've benefited from a bigger budget, but they did great with what they had.

You shut your dirty mouth. Ever talk about Firefly again and I might have to use my pimpin' hand.

I actually heard quite a few people proclaim that PC gaming was dead with the announcement of the Xbone and PS4. I thought it was silly, but I'll let the dreamers dream.

I understand their concern, but lets look at the games shall we?

I've yet to try Onlive, and I don't want to devote any money to it until it is officially supported. I like Onlive's service (tried it when I had a slow desktop,) but as of right now, without Ouya support, there is no reason for me to buy.