
I find change to be exciting. I find fear to be exciting also. Without those two elements I find life becomes boring rather quickly. So I am actually the kind of person who (at this point in my life at least) needs to be always innovating.

Hey Whitson, about LauncherPro - does it HAVE to Forceclose every time you turn it on, or is this more of a Rom-specific issue? I"m in CM7

What kind of maintenance do I need to do for my Mac? Cause this thing has def slowed down. Its a 2010 Macbook (not pro).

God damn it just when I move out of SF for the summer!? I really wanted to meet whitson :(

That wasn't very clear - I meant because they said "most" of the time.

They didn't mention - do you have to live in any specific area? The bit about probably being alone most of the time makes me assume that you'd be in some sort of office setting.

Splashtop vs logmein plse?

I think makkura was talking more about the people who are already stuck in jobs they aren't passionate about right now. He is having a hard time conjuring passion for something he never had a passion for to begin with, yet he also doesn't think that it would be wise at all to leave his current job, as the job market

I agree 100% with the idea that passion is suffering. Everyone likes to think of passion as being starry eyed and naive. I like to think of monks, on the other hand as truly passionate people. They are willing to deny themselves in order to pursue what they see as most important. Monks are 10x more passionate than

Apple's loss.

Way to read the fine print lol.

I used to use Tvshows stream's app for Android...I even paid for the damn app. Then all of a sudden they decide to go legit? Refund me my freakin money. What a terrible company.

OH the days when I got signing bonuses...shouldn't have let my emt certs expire....nowa days I couldn't buy a job....

I get your point friend :)

I bet if we didn't have water readily available we'd do the exact same is only ridiculous when looked at through the lens of luxury :D

You know what guys???!!! I heard that the KKK often uses APPLE computers to type their filthy propaganda. Its safe to say at this point that without Apple technology, the KKK wouldn't have been as successful.

word. my poor logitech g5's slide pads are dead after 4 years now...gonna buy a new one soon so sad :(

Lol I love how whenever people do illegal things now-adays everyone says they are "pointing out security flaws"

I get what you're trying to do with the whole "we're only surprised because the TSA WANTS us to be surprised" sort of thing, but it doesn't work in this case...the guys stole beer. Otherwise, ya why should the police stop them? From wheelchair racing? Or beet boxing? hell no whats the big deal

Fantastic article. I love the last insight. We need to forget certain things. I truly believe that we evolved limiting memories on purpose. I do not think that in the future, more ideal human beings will have better memories - that would be a detriment.