
And this is why my hero Christopher Hitchens dedicated his life to pushing atheism :)

He pushed her away, then she started whole-sale beating on him.

lmao I don't know if we can really believe Boba Fett's testimony lmao he seeme a little strange in the head... hahaha

holy shit you are a god....thank you!!! hahahahahaha

hahaha i love you

The only thing that bugs me about your workstation is the fact that your background doesn't flow cleanly from one screen to another lmao

LMAO!!! That last story is hilarious. At first I assumed that the four year old was the one running around dressed as the ninja, but it was the dad!? hahahahahah

Knowing photographers like I do, I can ASSURE you that every photo submitted here will be at least their 10+ shot :P

I love you android. At this point, Android is going to pass the iphone up in no time at all. Its no longer even a question of apps (it used to be when I first bought my android). At this point, there are so manyandroids being sold that it would be ridiculous for the app makers to not make sure that any important

They just did one thing wrong in that study - they shouldn't have had them hit a pillow...thats kind of lame, and makes the psychological study part of the whole situation much more evident.

Though everyone generally sees type A personalities as problematic, I find it interesting that type A personalities always like to tout the fact that they are type A.

Can't wait for the day in the future when we talk about the "good old days" when people actually had to worry about running out of battery :P

The screen never draws the most power for me, but that could be because I am rooted, and on CM7. The screen is always behind Android System and Cell Standby, and I have great battery life

whoah I didn't know other people read lifehacker hahaha I always assumed that only americans seriously though...stupid me

I'm pretty sure that they overbook some flights on purpose expecting some people to not show up....not sure about this hough

Its always been my belief that the religious "nuts" are simply the ones who take their religions seriously enough to go all out for them.

Holy shit man, calm down hahaha. I'd say you're getting alot more bent out of shape than I ever did lmao.

No, I'm definitely atheist. see my reply to thomanthony

Hitchens says the same thing. He calls himself an anti theist, meaning he doesn't think the god is one of the ones worshipped by man, but he said of course he recognizes that he can't say there is no god in general

glad i'm not alone there. fbook fcs on me too alot lately.