
you are unnecessary

lmfao nice

Do you know why Rhymes with Orange was Starred by Sam, by the way? If you would care to look down at the rest of the comments, he was starred for finding the teen porn girl's name.

Does it have to? Each of those articles brought up topics that, though related to technology, also had social implications.

Last straw right there. You did it sam :) Thanks man you freed me!! The reasons I gained and lost my star were so much more important than what Rhymes with Orange just did that I am out of here.

As a side note, I do own a mac, but it actually feels pretty slow to me (its the 2010 white macbook). It can't handle any of the things that I expected it to - parallells was a nightmare for me, horriffically slow. It just isn't a very smooth experience for me overall. Videos skip sometimes, and just loading things

Holy cow I actually felt really bad for lorelie hahaha :D

Lol no idea.....I just totally pimped my pc out, iunno lol it just runs like a dream (running the i7 920 overclocked, with dual graphics cards, 6gb of ram that freakin cost me as much as the processor did hahaha, and 6 hard drives.)


...............Last truly great android device?? I freaking love my evo, the thing works wonders!

Even more that that, Droid became the face of Android for the longest time, and actually made people notice android more.

makes me sick, but i still laugh why? hahah

lmao i know!!! he could like hide all those parts in a cellphone or something, damn.

This guy needs to start his own company, seriously. I would totally buy his stuff hahaha

lol sadly enough i agree. I used to buy really nice pens for myself, but now i just buy these in like a 20 pack or something

I haven't found it necessary yet with win7, but I know what you mean about the pristine os lol I used to do it all the time with xp. For some reason, every time i boot my win7 computer up it feels just as fast as a year ago when i first put it on here.

You need to learn more about computers hahaha

Now, I've been pissed at some of the articles lately (especially the pervy photography one, both for being a terrible article and for having the nerve to delete all the comments, including mine, that offered an alternate viewpoint), but this one was ok. its just kinda funny