
ya...maybe the government will just steal it hahaha. I bet when things come out that could really totally change the way things happen the gov will try to find a way to obtain it haha, I mean, that one person's comment on welding deck plates for carriers is spot on...this would make that amazingly fast.

So true.

Guess it make sense, I mean, the new stuff out now adays still isn't that much more advanced that the Evo. I mean, when the Evo came out people said it had everything hahaha, there aren't many features you can add :)

The Evo is an extremely easy phone to root - it has an amazing fanbase online, it seems to be one of the most popular androids out there STILL (judging by the forum post counts on all the android sites I frequent, including xda).

sure lol I was wondering why I was getting comments on a post I made a year ago hahaha I guess they reran the same article :)

No thanks :D

You expect GE to spend all the money and research they did on this tech for free?? They deserve compensation.

yes sir, otherwise there would have been no detail in the grass :(

LMFAO I completely agree. Yellow journalism at its best (worst).

thank you you deserve a star

I hate the fact that you entitled the article "Did a Predator just Kill Two US Troops?"

i wqanna die

I know exactly what you mean! Or I used to, before I sold my car because of it (not rlly, just moved to a place with great public transportation)

Man, lets hope I can get another one like this. Took this pic last week of the SF bay - would've been perfect for this competition. O well i'll get another :D

Get your patriotic american figure out of my face. Look upon the face of the divine, and then tell me who wins.

Thanks for answerin me Sam! I feel like I am talking to a celebrity - I love all of your drawings man :) You really are fantastic

oooh i see :D

I find it kind of funny that Giz had Sam put an apple logo on the cup lmao

i had the same thougyht :DS

yikes that would suck....170 down the drain