
hahaha my condolences but promotion friend haha

I believe that I understand it to be what it is.

Glad you enjoyed Searle! He's a professor at my university, so I get to hear about his theories ALOT, but I love the guy.

Have you heard of Jim Jones? Were you aware of the fact that statistically speaking, liberal christians are MUCH less likely to go to church every week than are fundamentalist christians?

It is harsh to me.

I'm dealing with this stuff right now in my Psych of consciousness class.

Holy crap I really feel bad for this whale...thanks alot giz :(

You do realize what you're asking for, don't you? I don't understand you people. You all complain about privacy breaches, etc, yet you ALSO complain when the security doesn't work 100%, doesn't make you feel 100% safe.

As a Berkeley resident, I approve of this work.

Does he or does he not deserve the reputation he has earned for himself?

I can see this type of phone starting a whole new movement in online games. All it needs to do is have some sort of mapping (ie, some way to tell left dpad button is tied to the A key, etc), and you could spend HOURS on Newsgrounds,, etc. All those types of games only have like 4 buttons you need

I was on sprint before the Evo, but ya I am starting to see what you mean. I really hope that Sprint continues to do an awesome job of making sure that top phones are on their platform. The Evo was a great start (I have one too), its just that I am starting to get that "upgrade itch" already, and I havne't seen

Who is to say that we are not apes with marvelous brains? Why would thta be the secular variant of original sin?

Is it really?

Or just stop believing in sin. Either way :P

I didn't think the Vatican would ACTUALLY allow a "confession" app. That would mean they would lose far too much of their power, and allow people to live much more "flippant" lives.

Great Question


I just want to say that everyone needs to lay off the site's redesign. I know its new, and will take some getting used to, but seriously give it a chance, its not that bad. I'm already starting to like it more.