
well here I sit in san francisco, what will i make of this... lol

I'll upgrade when I see Rom devs starting to pay more attention to other phones than they do the EVO

@Raziel: that's why you don't tell your friends its a google voice number at first.

I love atheist rants :)

yahoo answers totally belongs on this list

@earle117: They totally do. I'm a slightly different story from you - I was able to get my GPA to match my test scores just once (lots of hard work at a community college), and it was enough to get me into Berkeley. I go there now, and it is here at Berkeley that I just failed 2 of my 5 classes last

My new years resolution is to be more responsible, which is something I would have done anyway (because of my violent reaction to my laziness last semester).

@Whitson Gordon: I was as well, pleasantly surprised, that is (i'm an android user)

That happened to me a couple times before I rooted (now it never happens). What actually happens, is that you THINK you clicked on one contact, but it actually opened the wrong one. If you continue to type out your text without ever verifying that the correct contact opened up, you will send it to the wrong person.

notice how all important apps now adays are iphone and android?

@jschwalbe: the article admitted that it only worked when people were told that the placebo would work...which is in itself a placebo, my firend

I am currently a student at Berkeley, and I forsee my innate, insatiable desire for knowledge as being the main motivation for my work in the future. I am going to make sure that I always stay in the academic environment, I desire to work at a university at all costs in the future, either researching or teaching

Strange thing is, It seems that we are pretty much ASKING our doctors to lie to us. The fact that many people depressed people may want placebo pills to avoid side effects of other pills still doesnt negate the fact that the placebo pills will still only work if we don't know they ar ethe placebo. I guess this is

@Stevenson: but how do you request the placebo pill without knowing you will get the placebo pill? That is the problem. Are we really ASKING our doctors to trick us?