
@bokscutter: This one doesn't ever work forever for me. Every time I get her to the point where she is spinning counter clockwise, if I look at the size of her outstretched foot, it always gets smaller at the wrong times to be spinning counter clockwise, so then m y brain tells me it is clockwise again.

kat hannaford is cute.

He's dressed like that for his wedding??

@GizmoTron9000VowsToEarnBackHis...: Why even be a christian if you aren't going to take it all literally? I hate those who pick and choose what parts are "nice" to believe in.

Anyone who would buy this thing is a moron.

Thank you very much for posting so many new Android Apps lately, Giz.

even after he pulled it out wouldn't it splash onto him and burn him still?

The real question is: what percentage of iphone users even HAVE a PC?

@ian.nai: true, but at least more people will know enough about Berkeley to have an opinion of it :)

@gerrrg: wow...i wrote my example about the kia before I even saw yours LMAO

@DeathcomFour: I know that Cal Berkeley is better than Cal State Northridge, and those both cost the same.

@TheNimboo: I'm sorry not in california, in america

As someone who attends the number one public university in California, I resent this article. Lol jk

@showbiz2: this would be hilarious

This is depressing! I don't wanna die!