
roflmao this is great! I love how BP's about to eat it.

@lbberkeley: It was def annoying at first - if you don't pay attention to what it predicts you can end up sending a whole bunch of jibberish to your friends. I typed my friend's name "Edsole" and it changed it to "wrapper" after I pressed space.

@lbberkeley: Does your name having "berkeley" in it mean that you are a fellow Cal Bear????

@phoenix: It is pretty sweet - I have house wide wifi, so setup was instant, but I will do as you suggested and set it up for my network as well. I don't like the fact that none of my zune downloaded music files will play, but I can get past that. It is indeed surprisingly responsive, I'm liking it very much.

@Synthfilker: no I think that's for some european has prongs that are facing the wrong direction! haha kinda inverted at an angle..

@macpatrik: Hell ya they did. They pulled the whole "all phones experience this" bs. This OBVIOUSLY wasn't true, as no one has EVER heard of any other phones having widespread antenna issues.

Is there anything that will sync firefox bookmarks with android's Dolphin HD?

@phoenix: Alan Henry, is that you?

@phoenix: What sort of things are under the hood?

Wow! I just barely downloaded this for the first time..I am blown away this is great!

The two pin plug needs a lane down the middle for the "ground" prong coming out of many computer type plugs

Anyone else jealous of Tron guy's girlfriend?

@Modano: rofl you are correct sir. "There is 100 Million i)S Devices Out There." is should be are.

@Nightskyre: I feel the same way. Some part of me wants to renounce technology when I have thoughts like this, so that I don't have to walk around feeling like I'm gonna miss out on something haha


@bungadunga: rofl I'm sure it would look just like that :D