
@CaffineFreakUs: Dude, I don't know where the hell you come from, but Sprints prices have always been significantly cheaper than everyone elses - with or without the 10 dollar surplus.

@boe: That doesn't make sense. I/'m using it on a 1500 minute data/text unlimited family plan - its dirt cheap

@AnonymousAA: Where is the light supposed to leak from? I got mine the fourth week, am I to assume that they fixed it by then? I notice no "leakage" at all

@Kayno: Did you read the article? The thing they have in common is a DAMN SHORTAGE.

I got mine after being on the waitlist for two weeks...I didn't know there was STILL a waitlist. HTC seriously needs to get their shit together. What's the point of hyping and advertising a phone that people can't even buy? I sort of feel bad for sprint here, their "first is beautiful" type advertising campaign was

@hrana: Please do!

@comodoGiz: most people can't get gizmo5 anymore :(

@Peter Shultz: Why would being an advertising company be a thing to cover up?

@meehawl: ouch. lets hope you're not right haha and google's about to die

@8oardR1der: I think the thing I like to point out about google is that fact that you just pointed out. That for every useful thing they do they do 5 useless things. Gmail labs is an example of that. There are lots of weird stuff they just toy with in there. That's what makes google more innovative than say,

@6ironmaiden9: lmao are you fuckin with me or do you really have that shirt? that would be hilarious

@usedtowork: google does things right though, most of the time.

@Wbnations: thought you were gonna say thats what she said

@iTekk: Youtube dude...the internet would be COMPLETELY different without google. I would lose my cellphone, there would be no more android if google went under. Its not just an "rss feed" that we're talking about, we're talking about some of the most popular things people do onthe internet - gmail, youtube, etc.

@prometeum: I know it, but why make life difficult?

@Who the eff is GlassAdam?: For some reason I can't stop thinking of it as a command, rather than a title. I ask someone "where can I find something fun to do?" They reply, go ahead and google "Games" you'll find somethin!

@Arken: :'( ahahhahaha

@MayorBloomberg: It is innovating because they are adding "google games" to their already extremely extensive list of free services. That is innovation, because google is not just a search engine, it is so much more

@vinod1978: Either you don't have many friends on facebook, or you don't have facebook at all.

Holy crap...this is why I bought myself a google phone. Without doubt, they are the company that is growing, innovating, expanding more than any other company out there. They have the coolest ideas, and they just act on them.