
I'm not going to do this. Wifi tethering isn't worth it for me yet (I don't have a laptop!), plus, the EVO is an amazing enough phone as it is :)

I have to say - I've had my Evo for about 2 days now, and i can't tear myself away form it. By far the best phone I have ever owned.

...i hate pc gaming haters. :D

Why the heck are the parents stopping him from playing MW2? Poor kid

@Styyl: I thought it was only me lol

Are most of the pictures on gizmodo not working for anybody else?

@stifflittlefinger: Oh. I guess it could be, but I doubt it. Companies always want to put their best foot forward to make sales

@stifflittlefinger: A "conspiracy theory"? Seriously? Have you even been reading Gizmodo?? It is DEFINITELY a widespread problem. See the following:

@stifflittlefinger: You really think that with widespread news of antenna problems they'd let a floor model into the store that had it? you're a smart one

Seriously - this phone is such a joke. And people were mad at the comparatively minor Evo "issues." The iPhone 4's issues blow those out of the water.

@Ceric Neesh: I do as well, I have the Antec 900, and it is far more beautiful than any mac desktop ever produced

I absolutely love the fact that the Iphone 4 has more problems post launch than the EVO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA All the Apple fanbrats were snickering at Evo Owners after they noticed that a couple early batches MIGHT have SOME screen separation (which was fixed), and telling everyone "YA! That's why you buy from Apple!!"

@FriarNurgle: I love my zune - and the zune software isn't a failure, perhaps just the zune sales numbers. I think that WP7 will indeed help

When I was working on my College's newspaper my advisor gave me something like this to carry around. You know what the problem is? No matter how convincing OR TRUE any of these "rights" may be, you're STILL most likely going to do whatever the large man in the uniform tells you to do in the heat of the moment.

@lankysob: Agreed! I never thought she was hot either. Give me Zeta Jones any day over her

I feel like Adam was the WRONG person to dish that line hahaha "Nobody is talking you, nerdy guys."

Can it now play HD 1080P? I was an avid VLC user until I discovered that it failed at playing HD movies, at that point I switched over completely to Media Player Classic, which Plays HD perfectly.