
You have the best looking C5 I've ever seen. Excuse my ignorance, but did you work on it?

You ever driven through Texas? It's 75% fucking nothing.

Young money.

Now we need Celty's bike from Durarara!

I accidentally the wrong gear once. In traffic.... From 5th to 1st....

Meh, I really don't give a shit

How are his jimmies rustled? his answer was no more emotional than yours. If his jimmies are rustled, then yours must be too.

I feel like they are thinking about the future by catering to younger buyers, who are more open-minded.

Holy crap, I haven't laughed this hard in weeks!

They do

This guy is legit. He really has a 12C, too, like his username suggests!

Maybe you should set up a test drive of the Auto version, it might surprise you!

It comes in manual too! :o

Ooh, that little thing looks like a blast! I love me a nimble hatchback.

As much as people like to freak out about gas here, there's not much of a reason to. On the low end, gas is about $2.97 (1.80 pounds) a gallon, so people who can afford to just get larger SUVs because they like the sense of safety they get from sitting up high; even if they know that small cars are also safe.

That's interesting. It's totally different from what I'm used to here in Texas. It seems like there's a market for every kind of car here (except estates) when someone needs more room than a saloon, they get a crossover. Or a massive suburban.

Yeah, I can see why the Maxima isn't sold there, as the class is dominated by European makes.

As much as I love the idea of a Qashqai-R, I would MUCH rather see a Versa-R or a Maxima-R, I fee that they would be much more track-worthy and awesome than an SUV with a high center of gravity.

I tried to focus on the wheels to see the damage, but I found myself staring at the background. Mars is mysterious as fuck.