You have the best looking C5 I've ever seen. Excuse my ignorance, but did you work on it?
You have the best looking C5 I've ever seen. Excuse my ignorance, but did you work on it?
You ever driven through Texas? It's 75% fucking nothing.
Young money.
Now we need Celty's bike from Durarara!
I accidentally the wrong gear once. In traffic.... From 5th to 1st....
Meh, I really don't give a shit
How are his jimmies rustled? his answer was no more emotional than yours. If his jimmies are rustled, then yours must be too.
I feel like they are thinking about the future by catering to younger buyers, who are more open-minded.
Holy crap, I haven't laughed this hard in weeks!
They do
This guy is legit. He really has a 12C, too, like his username suggests!
Maybe you should set up a test drive of the Auto version, it might surprise you!
It comes in manual too! :o
Ooh, that little thing looks like a blast! I love me a nimble hatchback.
As much as people like to freak out about gas here, there's not much of a reason to. On the low end, gas is about $2.97 (1.80 pounds) a gallon, so people who can afford to just get larger SUVs because they like the sense of safety they get from sitting up high; even if they know that small cars are also safe.
That's interesting. It's totally different from what I'm used to here in Texas. It seems like there's a market for every kind of car here (except estates) when someone needs more room than a saloon, they get a crossover. Or a massive suburban.
Yeah, I can see why the Maxima isn't sold there, as the class is dominated by European makes.
As much as I love the idea of a Qashqai-R, I would MUCH rather see a Versa-R or a Maxima-R, I fee that they would be much more track-worthy and awesome than an SUV with a high center of gravity.
I tried to focus on the wheels to see the damage, but I found myself staring at the background. Mars is mysterious as fuck.