Hey some change is nice, the Southern, country, socially conservative vibe from the rest of Texas can be a bit too much :P
Hey some change is nice, the Southern, country, socially conservative vibe from the rest of Texas can be a bit too much :P
They really have. I signed up with them back in July '05, when they still had the red diamond logo, and customer service was shitty, but their plans were cheaper than Cingular or T-Mobile.
Why are you guys complaining that they're serving you drinks? Celebrate!
5) The marketing was shit.
Houston and San Antonio? What about Austin? D:
Jalopnik got it wrong, the current Juke makes that power. The actual specs haven't been released yet.
11.: Your First Car.
yeah, I'd love to see this used more widely. I wonder how much data NFC could transfer, because photo or video sharing would be cool
Actually, it's only one thing that isn't already in 2.3. Google Wallet was on my Nexus S 4G when i got it with 2.3.
Windows 8 has everything that made 7 a great OS, but with more of a mobile-centric twist.
I'd say it is one of the best. Saabs are awesome!
Pitch shifting is probably not allowed because it changes the song, which is write protected.
Yeah, I had a Dell mp3 player a long time ago, and it was a POS. After that I used a Sansa, then got a Zune in '07.
I understand where you're coming from, but no company has 100% flawless products that last forever.
My 1525 from mid-2008 came with standard support, but they still fixed a wonky trackpad (in 2010) for free. The lady on the phone was really nice, too. Great support.
Yep, nothing like the smell of burning oil and wobbly turns to remind you that you're driving a classic.
Bushings! I'm guessing those are gone by now. Maybe gaskets, too, unless they're made of copper.
Drift? No.
If I was you, I'd switch them out now. It would be a good weekend project and you'll have the peace of mind