Best response ever. no wonder you've been hearted by me for years! (Like, before the Facebookers ruined Giz)
that's messed up
Well, I AM in Austin, so they might just find it "Artistic", like they do with stuff like that. I'll just find it cool.
I'd like to see what it paints when you do a Shove It, or a laser flip... Anyways, the final product is pretty badass.
You can try before you buy in WP7?
I've been noticing that, and it scares me a bit, but i'm glad prices come down.
huh, i'm just used to most things being 99 cents, and when apps cost even a dollar more, that's too expensive for me.
I'd love an invite, too. I've been on the line between WP7 and Android for the past couple of months and I want to see what Google has in store, just to make a decision between them. please send an invite to and help a starred brother out! In return, I'll heart-click you!
Are most apps on WP7 expensive?
Yes, and don't even get me started on their "dv" line. that's just embarrassing.
Oh how I miss mine. I wish it hadn't been so laggy and incompatible with most modern games. That phone has the best hardware keyboard i've ever used, and those answer/end buttons were great because the slide-to-answer feature lagged like crazy
Will they burn my house down?!
GAH! I hate and love that car at the same time. I love it because it's just awesome, I mean, it's a giant freaking frank. And I hate it because my name is Oscar, and I got lots of shit for that in grade school.
PLEASE GIVE US YOUR RAIN! Some neighborhoods are on fire now, and 4th of July is gonna suck without fireworks
In terms of Apps, it doesn't come close, but if we're talking about music, then i'd easily take an HD over the iPod Touch.
They might be cumbersome, but very reliable.
Oh man, FLD outdid themselves with these pics. Coppin Stayles!
It's the god damn cameltoe i hate.