
Fuckin' hipsters want Austin to stay "underground". We NEED the money!

AWD? You trollin'?

Pics? I love me some E30s.

That sound gave me goosebumps

My own car.... sigh... ('95, V6, Manual)

I already drive a 1995 Saab 900SE convertible, with the v6 and manual transmission. I wouldn't say it's something less, but the Miata seems so much more fun to drive, but too small.

I took it for a test drive and loved everything about it, i just wish i could have kept my self-esteem

I'm with you, i'd be embarrassed to drive one, but i'm so tempted to.

Yeah... My little Saab 900 gets lost in a sea of F-150s

Ferraris are performance cars with the best pedigree. That's why there is so much worship. But that Ferrari-powered Cobra is the sexiest thing ever

This makes me angry but turns me on at the same time.......

If i have to live with the permanent scarring, you'll have to live with it too!

It reminded me of this. That spider gave me so many nightmares....

Not only could that be their kid, but that picture seems to have more of an artistic value than a pornographic value.

I'm sorry, i was slightly drunk...

T'was a joke.

Yeah! Stupid old people.

It was just in response to the commenters complaining about teenagers.