
Almost forgot:

I can do that.

Wrong, anyone pointing their radio telescope at earth wouldn't hear much of anything at all.

The "north" designation originally came about by looking at Earth. i.e. when looking at the north pole from a top down perspective, which way does the Earth rotate?

LPs designed for the ages?

So it's like those bombs you always see in movies where they mix two liquids, only inside mice. (and minus the explosive effect)

Replying to approve.

YES! Thank you, something like this would have made the article about a thousand times better.

That's my point, there is nothing in all of GoT that's darker than the real life medieval times, and despite the world currently having less violence in it than any other time in human history there are still places even now that are much worse than anywhere in GoT.

Hi2u Halloween? President heads are pretty common sights in costume shops.

Wait, they are actually going to edit the DVDs over what's basically some fun triva?

They have actually casted actors for the Reed siblings for season 3, Bran will simply meet them along the way instead of traveling with them from the start. Which won't really change the story to any large degree imho.

Read up on what's happening in places like Somalia and North Korea and you'll quickly realize that the real word is much more depressing than anything you can find in fiction.

He doesn't have a cart up because he got several hundred orders and it apparently overloaded his etsy account (they temporarily suspended his messaging function).

Now playing

Heh, so me posting this video on the odeck just after seeing the movie was spot on after all.

And when that day finally arrives 8k will have become the standard resolution...

It's not even incest considering they were simply turned by the same vampire, it's not like they were actual siblings.

ZombiU = ZombiII

Isn't any augmented human automatically a cyborg by default?

Actually, if the snowcrust is thick enough you can walk on it without leaving any footprints.