Thanks for the step-by-step. (Bookmarking this for later)
Thanks for the step-by-step. (Bookmarking this for later)
That's why you combine emulators with the Sixaxis/Wimote apps.
You could also try out the userscript called Google Reader Absolutely Customizable, it makes the new design a lot better since it massively condenses all the useless white space as well as letting you hide any elements you don't want.
For those of you who doesn't like all the new look it's drastically improved by using this userscript: []
Holy shit, that looks completely batshit insane. And by batshit insane I mean awesome.
"Think of Zombieland every week for 30-minutes with Woody Harrelson's character & Jesse Eisenberg's characters. Think we'd need to beef up Jesse's a bit. "
And it would be perfectly suited for a Tablet without really having to change much.
Using the fog like that would be an interesting game mechanic.
The more important question is whether or not you could land yourself a free car/gas if you were willing to put up with a car that displayed giant adds every time it was parked?
Possible Plot hole: The corpses in the cars were dead dead, not walking dead.
Correct. They are unable to breathe at all while out of water.
Maybe have the master quest remix all the mask quests as well? That would potentially be a megaton of new gameplay.
Haha, that last suggestion would be brain-meltingly awesome.
Well they could save $7.4 Billion by not upgrade of their plane shaped doorstops: []
Yup. With a DSLR you can get a good enough picture from more than a city block away.
Blocking internet access also stops any ads inside the app from working, so it's not really all that strange Google would be hesitant to build it into Android. After all, the wast majority of their own revenue (over 90% afaik) comes from ads.
The actual report doesn't actually give a single number either.