WHERE IS THE IMPALA! The entire time I was like: Did I miss an episode?
WHERE IS THE IMPALA! The entire time I was like: Did I miss an episode?
It was last Sunday here in Norway too. Perhaps it's an American thing?
Yup, that usually works for me too. And it makes sense since memory is so context sensitive.
It's japan, 90% percent of the year they have to run the air conditioning at full tilt to avoid sweating to death.
I updated the bottom part:
Ahahaha. Someone at google is totally having fun at work it seems. Awesome Easter eggs FTW!
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I liked how when they were operating on the egg and you could see a robot arm in the background performing the actual operation while Elisabeth interacted with the hologram.
That's why I wrote it in italics, to make the sarcasm stand out more ;P
Wow! Thanks a lot. Now that all the 3 useless bars on top are hidden Google Reader finally looks exactly like I've wanted it to look for a long time.
The original fairy tales were pretty messed up, she didn't wake up from the princes kiss, she woke up from giving birth to the princes son.