
Luke Cage here I come!

From the link:

Pre-2011: Temporary tattoos are lame

I'm thinking he might actually die... only to be revived with the "Kiss of Life" from the Red Priestess.

My only hope is that the Red Priestess can give him the "Kiss of Life" to bring him back, I mean whenever she asked her fires to show her Azor Azhai reborn they showed his face, so it makes sense that she would want him alive?

Brute Force explanation:

Brute Force explanation:

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Um, limited resource? In an earlier episode they set of a flare and within moments a craft zoomed over them and bombs away!

Nice catch there, that would make perfect sense.

Pfft, Jason turns out okay because ... suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuprise! he did turn into a were-panter after all.

I also loved how Weaver just causally walks behind him when he is about the shoot the RPG.

Well that brings up yet another plot hole, when they shredded the mech, and subsequently chased them off...

Yeah, how the writers conveniently forgot all about the heat-seeking UFO bombers really threw me off.

You conveniently forgot an important plot point, in fact you forgot the same plot point that the writers managed to forget as well: the UFO bombers.

You could have made lots of money infecting wanna-be criminals with your fungus infection!

Actually tarantulas can extrude strands of webbing from their feet, it's how they manage to climb so well despite their size.

Spoiler! (maybe)

Close, but no cigar. The skitters are turning the captured humans into new skitters.

Dolphins can pick up and carry stuff using their prehensile penises.