The Lab

If he doesn't like commenting, fine. But to come out of the woodwork and begin commenting just to tell someone else to stop commenting is pretty lame, imho. To come in and be this guy's white knight is even lamer. Let him fight his own little battle.

Three years and you haven't been starred yet? Ouch.

I'm a PhD in chemical biology. I don't need a lecture from a guy who doesn't even know how to use "ad-hominem" correctly. Here's a tip, if I make a personal attack that undermines your argument, thats an ad-hominem. If I call you an asshole, that's just a personal attack. If you say someone sounds like an asshole and

When you have been reading giz for over two years, you can call me out on complaining. Until then, stfu.

Are you seriously justifying this post by saying this carpet is in a gadget store, therefore this carpet deserves to be on a gadget blog? I call bullshit on that.

Gizmodo is looking too much like the front page of a certain news aggregator website. Think about it like this, if there is too much overlap then people only have to visit one of the two websites. Which one will they choose? Less carpet, more gadget please.

The distinction between chemical and protein is not subtle. When you say chemical, people think of some horrible toxic compound made in a lab. When you say protein, people think, hey that's food and in this case they are right. That antibiotic isn't "scary" it is dinner. To call it a chemical and say "sounds like

OK, I volunteer to screen Gizmodo science articles. Please. There are so many things that could be improved about this article.

That "super cheap quartz movement" is way more accurate than Automatic movement. If the sole criterion for being a watch snob is having a pointless dedication to outdated, overpriced technology due to some faux nostalgia about a trinket anachronism, then it seems you qualify. The rest of us will just be buying watches

I would contend that true hipsters never, ever use the word "hipster". Calling someone a hipster or commenting on hipster stuff is typically the meat and potatoes for aspiring hipsters, a group formerly known as "poseurs". Using the word hipster is the least hipster thing possible.

I came here to say the same thing.

It is worth mentioning that there is a lot of debate over whether Stuxnet caused any damage at all.

Nice try, Zune viral marketing team.

It has been so long that there has been a good article on Gizmodo written by Giz staff. Thanks for reminding me why I still check this site.

Right, why spend time thinking about ways to cut back on the biggest and clearly least efficient part of our government when we can bitch about something that is minuscule?

Or someone who understands that we waste the majority of our money on defense and, comparatively, this is a drop in the bucket.

It's haters all the way down.

What I would do if I were you is pressure your government to make a good faith effort to negotiate a peace deal. I've seen what Israel has offered in the past and it is a joke. When Israel goes out of its way to make life hell for palestinians, how can you be surprised when rockets are fired at your citizens. It is

You make some good points here, zhinker. Well said.

Think about it for a bit, they have underestimated the extent of the problem at every step. Why do you think they will come in under budget here? Also, just because there were bigger disasters does not mean this isn't a disaster. I want to hear you say it. I know you can. This is a disaster. It is OK to say, you don't