The Lab

This is the poor man's way of entering the Matrix...

We can either do two things: One, hope everyone is responsible when they use the cameras that now come attached to every internet-connected device. Two, we can collectively decide that naked pictures aren't that big a deal.

@OreoExplosion: I had to write that same comment when they published that post on how labs are awesome.

@travis.marchbank: Listening to it right now. Good song, but sad. I'm kinda into happy. The dub remixed Gorillaz album was great.

I do like the Gorillaz but I wish Damon Albarn would perk up a bit. That last album was kinda depressing.

@xido: Congrats on getting your star. If this is how you "reason" with someone, I'm sure it will be a short honeymoon.

@xido: Check my comment history you asshat and you'll see I volunteer every week to help obese kids from disadvantaged East Palo Alto homes.

@Settings: If you read the comments made earlier, someone posted a picture of it in a hand. Not the dimensions, but at least you know the general size.

@pagan_god: Yes. The fair tip is to tip on what you would have paid without the coupon, but it is better to tip a little extra on top of that. I do that and I'm not even a big tipper (15% standard, once every couple years lower if service was intentionally bad).

@Suicidal Octopus: Actually it costs the telecoms no money at all for texts. None. The texts ride on the back of the signal sent between phone and tower every time the phone checks in. Read about it, it will make you angrier.

@xido: Here is intelligence: try applying your thoughtless argument to a real-world situation. Suppose the US leaders tried to build a giant and expensive statue in memorial of a great US leader. People wouldn't go for it. It would be considered a waste. Because that's what it is. It isn't like there is a lack

@SupermotoThud: Maybe you are being facetious but the hippies I know are decadent and loaded and a nice bottle of wine is just their thing.

@xido: Nice troll. I'm saying build something that will actually benefit humanity instead of a stupid statue. Problem?

May I suggest choosing the Leatherman model with the wine bottle opener?

@Justin: The volcano is good ONLY if you are having a party, otherwise filling up the bag is annoying and just kinda lame (who wants to huff out of a bag for a little toke?).

Please slow train to 0.05 mph before continuing on the twisty track.

@SodaJerk: "Money and God's will are not the same." oh but they are often so intertwined. How do you think this priest sold this idea to his parishioners who paid for it? They could have built a hospital or orphanage but instead they built this... thing. Hardly the Christian thing to do.

You know someone has just wasted money when the justification is that it will bring in more tourist money. The Olympics prove that every single time.