The Lab

@frigg: Perfect illustration of the problem with the slippery slope argument. Hope you don't mind if I borrow it...

@Yass80: Agreed, Awesome Note is.. oh crap.. noteworthy.

@RaindropBebop: You know, you can stand up for all boobs if you want. However, let me remind you of man boobs. I'll let you reconsider this for a moment and I'll be over here when you come to your senses.

They didn't show the MacBook Air powered on, which very likely means it was broken. So before we get too upset at the wastefulness of this, remember that this could likely be just a broken laptop.

This looked like an amazing professional job... then the guy slaps some anime boobs on it. Am I complaining about boobs? To my surprise it appears I am.

This announcement does not appear to be generating much excitement with the technorazzi.

I like the corner design element, especially if it is part of a metal ring that runs around the circumference of the device.

@OreoExplosion: Perhaps they are capacitive not physical buttons.

The idea is fun but it can't really work in the USA. Here we subsidize our phones with our expensive service contracts. While this phone would be cheap, it would be no cheaper than the multifunction phones offered for free.

@jedimaster: Mandatory serious comment about how the iphone is overpriced and should at least have the following list of features:

@haxorknight: Just be glad I didn't mention pinworms. In fact, forget I just said that.

As someone who works at the molecular level daily, I'd say things get too abstract to be truly creepy. It is hard to anthropomorphize a globular protein.

@Pope John Peeps II: It doesn't take a psych major to predict that every post of yours will be filled with the "ascerbic wit" you likely pride yourself on. Listen, being a caustic jerk isn't clever, it is easy. Try harder.

@Pope John Peeps II: Oh look, more mean humor, I bet you think you have a good sense of humor but in fact are actually just creatively mean. Not the same thing.

@Pope John Peeps II: It would be an interesting for you to try and make a joke that doesn't take a big negative shit on the subject. There are lots of forms of humor. This kind is lazy.

@c010rb1indusa: Well if the product is priced too high for your needs that is fine. That doesn't make it priced too high in general however. The goal of proper pricing is not to meet everyone's needs. This is not the right laptop for you, for the person looking for a very powerful laptop, for the person looking for

Seems like tech commenters have little appreciation for a well designed product.

Mount a video camera on that slot car and nirvana will be obtained.