The Lab

@beercheck: Fair enough. My opinion is based off my experience, my wife's (false claim of "item not as described" and she had evidence), and the experienced described by users of a few forums who, in passing, have mentioned problems frequent and significant enough that they no longer use eBay due to PayPal.

@dc-united: Sure, I've had PayPal work sometimes. It just is problematic when you are selling small things for a small profit and then a PayPal mistake costs you the price of an entire item, which negates the small profits earned over many sales. It is only worth it to eBay items if the system works dependably.

@pellier: Sorry, I'm going to promote this.

@Pope John Peeps II: You know, I'm supporting an author I've gotten to know well and have enjoyed immensely. If you don't like my opinion, feel free to disagree but calling me "insane" and "idiotic" is trolling. Trolling hard. Quit it.

Given how many people I know who've stopped using eBay because they are tired of losing money to PayPal's lax policies and enforcement, I expected to see more complaints in this comment thread.

@Con Seannery: Considering how much fraud goes on through PayPal, it isn't a big change for them.

@beercheck: I don't know what kind of evidence you are looking for but I can attest personally to being ripped off by PayPal's lax policies. There is also a high profile story about the freezing of the account of the Minecraft programmer. They have no real customer support and won't even review evidence that a

@Pope John Peeps II: First off, it is an opinion as stated. Secondly, he really is good. This article is just fun but he has written some more serious material about his childhood that reminds me of Bukowski in that it is unmistakeably masculine, novel in voice, and very open about personal issues.

@psybab: I didn't say scientific research. He did show data, which could be biased but he could have gone to a biased third party. I don't think the committee for international standards in France would oversee this dispute. I think what the data he showed was reasonable, considering this was a dialogue, not a

@Emmitt's Malapropisms: Who likes weather so much that they would make an entire channel dedicated to it? Looks like this joke failed to launch.

Joel is why I started reading Gizmodo. I was sad to see him go and I'm happy to see him back. Best writer since DFW in my opinion.

Calling this a draw seems to be selling Zen Magnets a bit short. They got threatened with a baseless lawsuit which was delivered in a tasteless way. They stood up rather than backed down (commendable) and answered with science (very commendable). The video had a couple jabs but nothing like the douchebaggery of

@ninja_togo: Turns out, evidence-based medical research shows forceps has the best outcome for the mother and the baby. Takes training.

They could make an amazing product if they treated the wood with a thin epoxy that is absorbed by the wood. The wood would be much, much stronger and they could cut to much tighter tolerances without problem.

@xbrav: Excellent comment! Thanks, big help.

@neonKow: I did a search for this "google" but came up with nothing. Please explain further.

@Canoehead: I like to interpret aek8's comment as though he was saying my comment was money.