The Lab

@Nitesh Singh: Clearly good design and solid construction come for free. Why pay for that?

Seems like a pretty reasonable price, considering what it is. Even an iphone controlled RC car with camera would be expensive and this is more complex.

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: I'm sorry we can't see eye to eye on this. I find it interesting that you are so vehemently focused on what you perceive as my misbehavior when there are plenty of people making actual ad hominem attacks on this thread. Even your example about calling him "poor" is flawed because MadCow234

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Let's reread what's been written here. Everyone, including yourself, has made personal attacks. That is trolling. Not once in these exchanges have I done anything but stuck to the topic at hand.

@caldweab: I think we have shown that there are always exceptions can always be found. I think my point here is that, unless there is a good exception, it is sound advice to not spend more money than you can afford on a phone.

@LoganR: OK, how about this: IF someone has less than $200 in savings, THEN it is probably worth considering getting a cheaper phone from another network or without a data plan.

@R.b.3: Interesting, I read something contradictory but I guess there is a lot of misinformation out there. Best to just ask AT&T directly.

@DPeezy: If you are going to put something in quotes, it should be something the original poster actually said. I never said my advice was "sage".

@MadCow234: I'm calling him poor because he IS poor. If you don't have $200 you are poor. That is what poor is. Until he has actually saved money, that is what he will be.

@LoganR: Calling a person an idiot is also trolling. You can raise a counter argument but don't make ad hominem attacks on my intelligence.

@thefinestline: If you don't have $200 in the bank, you can't afford anything, much less this phone. You need savings for unexpected emergencies. If you don't have that, then is anything unexpected happens, you will go into debt, starting a cycle that leads to ~$20,000 in debt that most americans carry. Just trying

@MadCow234: Ask any financial advisor how much money a person should have in the bank for unexpected emergencies. This guy ADMITS ABOVE that he squandered all his money in a bar rather than reserve a responsible amount in case something comes up. Then he wants a phone that almost anyone recognizes as a luxury

@R.b.3: Ah, there are two issues here. I thought original poster was concerned about the 2 year commitment but there is also the issue of keeping your original contract terms. To get a new phone, you need to recommit for 2 years but you can keep your original terms AS LONG AS YOU NEVER CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR

@Potentaint: The phone costs $600. If you want to get it subsidized for $200, you need to re-up your contract. Period.

@thefinestline: If you can't afford the handset, you shouldn't be getting such an expensive phone.

@JabbaB: Enthrall is OK but Hiatus is terrible. Remember that this is the device that is supposed to catapult Microsoft to the top and save this division. I wouldn't choose a name synonymous with "stop" for such a project.

@Enginseer: It is fine to think the soup is salty, I just don't think it makes a worthwhile blog post to tell the world about it.

@Luke Forester: Three semesters of honors level Physics at UC Berkeley. What do you have? Not even grammar apparently.

I think it is a good name. In general, I respect criticism more when those that criticize are able to offer a better solution.