The Lab

@Purple Dave: I'd suggest googling it. I also can't imagine anything else being like whale meat. From second-hand reports it sounds like a fairly unique meat.

@justin.hubbard: You demonstrate a surprising amount of conviction for someone who hasn't even bothered to google "whale japan school meat" before opening their mouth. Nice internet savvy grandpa. Don't make other people do your googling.

@beekerstudios: You didn't consult Japanese national as I suggested. The meat is used as school lunch food and is hated even by the kids. It is unpopular. Sometimes the whole "supply and demand" argument is too reductionist. I'd say these companies spent a lot of money on these boats and are trying desperately to

I am surprised by how many comments take the Sea Shepard organization to task.

@Scottaholic: Haha, perhaps he is the e.e. cummings of blog writers.

@marc_wtih_a_c: Excellent point. I expect tablets to have the same resolution as laptops. That's about 72 dpi compared to the 300-600-1200 dpi of printed paper. eInk is significantly better than a laptop but I don't know the number off the top of my head. Point is that tablets will still be easier to read text on,

The radio program This American Life has a very good episode about building a better mouse trap.

@JosephCole: It turns out that a drop filled with alcohol wouldn't be nearly as good at cooling. It takes a tremendous amount of heat for ice to undergo a phase transition to water. Alcohol would not undergo a phase transition and therefore would not absorb nearly as much heat.

@weatherman: +1. Every alcohol related article has so many people logging in to either complain about a brand being crap or that a different drink is better. Rarely is this related to the point of the original post. I wish that would stop.

@glardchia: This idea is both different and better than whisky stones. See above.

This is an interesting design. It seems like there could be a lot of alternatives to cooling your drink without diluting it, but this one is fairly ideal for a couple reasons:

I loved this idea until I remembered what videos are the most popular on YouTube. Oh boy.

@Curves: That and Real Genius contained everything I needed to know as a science major.

@Curves: As a proud nerd I will say that MIT is full of nerd's nerds. Made me feel like an Alpha Beta.

I like the box-sinking-into-the-table design. I'd say it looks best from the back but I don't want to set myself up for any "that's what he said" jokes.

How many cell phones look like the iphone these days? All of them. That's why we need some aggressive differentiating features like this. Let's promote this idea and then maybe Nokia respond to my proposal that the N97 slider should contain a built in oyster shucking knife.

@banmojo: Yeah, it was pretty cool to meet him. It just kinda wore off. He can be really cool but also a real diva. It is like the mixed blessing that is dating a hot, high maintenance girl. Initially cool but ultimately not worth the bitching.

@zwer: There are a few inconsistencies in your post that make me question how much you really know about this subject. For instance, you make a distinction between "regular magnetic fields" and "superconductor magnetic fields". That makes no sense. There is no "regular magnetic field". Furthermore, you can create

@jepzilla: I had discounted the idea of plasma formation because I thought the plasma would only form upon being heated by the friction with the hull. However, if the vehicle is traveling fast enough, maybe the pressure front of the air it is pushing would create the plasma?