
I don't anymore - I've called restaurants to check if the valet will allow self parking. And lately I just take the automatic DD to dinner. The wife likes taking the Porsche on our nice nights out but there just aren't enough people who know manual anymore. Getting around a parking lot does not mean you know how to

Dammit, Tom. We have warned you - stop telling people how good the deal is buying CPO Porsches. You are going to drive the prices up. This is not acceptable!

Actually, it was the SC430, with the hard top convertible only body style - the successor to this car - that got voted worst ever. Sharing the Supra platform, these were pretty sweet grand tourers.

It's really the motor that lets me down - and lowers the desirability. It seems in decent shape - but my first thought was rallycross - and that crapster of a motor isn't going to be any fun. And looking to upgrade a number of other things to get it ready, 5K is too much to start out planning an engine swap. CP - not

Where the hell was the requirement that the cars be brand new? You are making up your own requirements for the concept. And I'm pretty sure a 10-15K Miata will require less time and money to maintain than a street bike. The big Merc? Meh, with 20K leftover in the budget, plenty to get it running perfect again.

Uh, besides you hilarious levels of vanity that your suggestion is without flaw - let me point out your main flaw and then another mistake you made. It was "what two CARS should be bought it pairs?" Your inclusion of the motorcycle is pointless because a) it is not a car and b) you always have to pair a bike with a

Curious - what midsize sedan had a manual that you liked? That's not the best place to find manuals these days.

Well, to be fair - he does mention they are also fast as shit, so not to race them. If you've got 700 HP and you are respecting the active aero... well, it made me laugh. I could only imagine the conversation... "I bet we could take that CCXXcX thingy in the Hellcat, let's - oh, wait. There are flap thingies jumping

Except the part where cars going over 100 can easily flip over a middle barrier and become a deadly airborne projectile? I saw a ton of traffic in the other lanes. Do you want a dick bastard rolling his Hellcat over the barrier in the night and smashing into your windshield while you are traveling at highway speeds?

In this case, the complaint isn't about promoting from within - several teams have done that to good results, especially with the position coaches and coordinators. The bigger issue here is that they simply aren't offering the money or environment to attract the best coaching talent. If you interview 5 candidates and

It's awesome that you are financially aware and planning ahead... but I must ask, what the hell are you doing on Jalopnik? You own two, old Toyotas? You do know ten-year old Miatas are reliable - and yet spectacular fun? It's great to have retirement money, but if you spent the 50 years getting there not doing what

Haha. I was torn on this one - and I did go CP. For wacky ones like this, it's hard to know the real market (and while I enjoy NPOCP, I'm going to do a ton of research for it) so I end up having to use a gut feeling. This group especially, rare but not all that exciting, is hard to rate. But it comes down to "What

Umm, I mostly just picking on you - but you just said "this car handles fine... once you replace all the stuff that makes it handle mediocre." Hell, with a brake kit, adjustable top dollar suspension and bigger, better tires, my old Mercury Cougar would be decent on the track - well, at least it would be much better

I think most people disprove of spending on mass transit is hidden in your post. You mention NYC, the I95 corridor that feeds it and DC - which is actually the ONLY places in America where mass transit it used to any effectiveness. There is one Amtrak line that is profitable - the rest propped up with tax money. Many

Having owned two Porsches, there is a lot of engineering in those cars. There is some premium pricing, but try getting a dry sump oil system in another sub-70K car. Or the level of performance matched to daily drive-able reliability. Weight is expensive - or the removal of it is. I think Goofnik is dead on with his

My understanding is that the manufacturers are not required to use E-10 and rarely do, preferring (as we all would) pure gasoline.

You just have to hit them square on so they go under the center - so the chain will catch their head and decapitate them. That's what it is for, right? :P

Ah. I just didn't get your complaint was targeted more at the RCR bit. I was just sharing an amusing anecdote of watching MR2s spin around. As mentioned, you don't have to convince me about neutral mid-engine cars as I own the best ever made, in my humble opinion.

Um, okay. I'm not really sure what your point is. You explain why the MR2s had a propensity to snap oversteer... then get upset when people say they spun out a lot? They spun out a lot. Fact. It's okay for people to mention this.

I saw a couple MR2s at a autocross I attended - one from this gen and one from the next. They were stock and I know one of the drivers was new to his. I was awesome watching them try the slalom section. I think one of them made it through without spinning out once out of 8 tries. It's true not all mid-engines behave