
"sure-to-ensue lawsuit"? . . .that's about right . .. those damn Macedonians are very litigious, indeed . . .

Gee, who would have thought that GHB fueled Euro junk Colin McRae wannabees driving heavily modified 911s might run into an elderly Macedonian couple and lead them to their, well, somewhat "premature" demise ... we'll I'll be dipped in ^%$!, I can't believe it . . .

Yeah, it turns out all those privileged Duke lacrosse a-holes weren't guilty after all . . . maybe they deserve an apology . . . ah, f&%# it!

Good thing the NFL is "family entertainment" because that woman on the calendar sure does look like a whore . . .

Is there anything funnier than a guy getting hit in the balls? I mean come on people, please!

Gee, I prefer the cable channel to the website because I just can't get enough generic broadcaster dude commentary and endless strings of macho-sounding sports cliches like "he needs to really take a gut check" and "he needs to step it up to the next level" . . . boy, I don't know why, but I just can't get enough of

It's a soccer fight . . . where's the kicking? . . . there's got to be kicking

"Gee, I'm surprised that Ron started beating me . . . I mean we were together because of love and not because I am some money grubbing skank or something . . . oh wait a minute . . ." - "The Woman" - March 7, 2007

Good point Tortfeasor . . .

I have been using the Dragon NaturallySpeaking program at work to write letters for the past four years(I am an attorney). In comparison with other people at the office doing the same tasks, I feel that I am about twice or three times as quick as they are.

Boy, I'm glad he insulted just a woman or this would have been really big news . . .!

Gee, um, uh, I though the Tesla Roadster had a range of 250 miles . . .

Vijay . . . is that a promise?

I am still having a hard time with the part about how there is still confusion as to whether he has the HIV AFTER 10 YEARS!

"Lexus-Nexis" . . . for those times when you need an upscale, Japanese-produced, high-quality version of Lexis-Nexis . . .

"As strippers rushed the stage to collect the money, Jones allegedly became angry, grabbed one of the strippers by the hair and drove her head into the stage. A fight ensued and as Jones and his entourage began to leave, a person in the entourage reportedly began shooting."

If it looks like wallet whore, if it walks like a wallet whore, if it gets cookies thrown at it like a wallet whore . . . well then it's probably a wallet whore . . .