
Anyways, I hope that the whole thing gets dropped, or people stop caring what everyone wears.

Congratulations on your pro environment endeavors!, Unfortunately, you'll be screwed over repeatedly by licensing issues when the companies who make/enforce/legally own, etc., etc. get sold, traded, or even run bankrupt! Have fun with that.

Small favor to ask: could the iOS app deals indicate iphone- or iPad- only limitations?

Small favor to ask: could the iOS app deals indicate iphone- or iPad- only limitations?

Atari right now is basically Infogrames with the Atari name and logo because it's a bigger brand. That's even who they were publishing DBZ games on PS2. It has pretty much nothing to do with the Atari that made the 2600 or even the Jaguar.

Too much?

FINALLY! A better way to smell like I work in a Burger King kitchen. All this time, I had to work there to accomplish that, but no more!

I think it's Baby Armor, the only equipment that may be most powerful than the infamous Bikini Mail.

You mean Krampus?

Must be that german santa that kidnaps naughty lil kids instead of giving them coal like a sane person!

Are those babies strapped to his biceps?...

- Speculation
- Lowered Expectations!
- Loss of funds

I cannot be the only person that gets mentally exhausted at the idea of an entire new expanded universe?

Zeus was a douche.

The opposite also happens. In myth Eos asked Zeus to make her mortal lover Tithonus immortal. Zeus complied, but Eos forgot to ask for eternal youth. Tithonus got older and older but of course didn't die.

I ain't saying she's a gold drinker, but she ain't messing with no broke emperor.

I don't entirely disagree with that video's hypothesis. However, a lot of niche and mid-tier developers in Japan are showing how they can make games at a decent clip without breaking their bank developing for it. Sony really should have tried harder than just using it as a 'console gaming on the go' showcase. It

You're post shorted out my brain for a few seconds...

I'm pretty staunchly in favor of police demilitarization, and would even go so far as to describe myself as the treasonous "anti-police", but... come the fuck on.

the american way of mummification.