
Dear wireless carriers,

"That thing is commonly described as the civilian equivalent of the M-16 assault rifle, though it's semi-automatic."

I KNOW - they could never become something important, like, say, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES if they ever seek to 'get high.' Oh wait...

Rubbish. I know plenty of people who smoke who have never done harder stuff. They all hold good jobs and are no burden to anyone.

You should ask for a refund.

And is being written about in American-English. What's your point?

Dan Graziano should be moved to covering equestrian sports for picking Houston and Atlanta to make it to the Super Bowl

Please... Please stop. Kotaku has enough quality issues as it is. Don't compound them by committing the sin of sharing CinemaSins videos.

Isn't this sort of like beating up the slow kid at school?

This isn't the 90's anymore, bro. The whole "Fuck Tha Police" thing is tired.

People who criticize UM's slow response have to realize they had to wait until the football players' eligibility expired.

You can't really compare Burke & Mowins because one is an analyst and the other is pbp.

But this is supposed to be highlighting things that relate to video games. That story wouldn't really belong in this roundup, even though that's an amazing thing that kid did.

The choice of that word may or may not have been deliberate ...

Something is going to go down. Should be entertaining, you know, aside from the death and tragedy of it all.

Scroll through article to find Chip Ganassi's S&M loving brother, Chap Ganassi. H/T to Will Buxton for pointing that one out.
Journalism is hard guys.

At least they don't have Kinja.

Sure they did, they just missed the boat.

Don't we have bots for "#doctorwho sucks"-type messages? It makes sense, because a) it's more efficient and b) you'd basically have to be a soulless machine to not like Doctor Who.

A NEW kind of harassment? Isn't what they're describing 99% of the internet?