
You think people shopping at Target are Rich?

I am the creator of this design. Thanks Kotaku for posting it.

I don't get some of the nastier kneejerk reactions, either. I like when game creators challenge themselves, try something that feels different and even bother to think deeply and express their thoughts about what they're doing.

You've not played the game yet you declare it a "steaming pile of shit"? Why even bother commenting?


Because the children love Nirvana.

Bullsh*t! EDUCATE YOUR SELF!!!!!!

Wouldn't the highest hotel room on Earth be whichever one Snoop Lion is currently standing in?

"...could not taste anything and had stomach pain for about a month."

That doesn't always work for folks deemed "suspicious" from the start.

If you think the only people who have trouble with the police are ones who break the law, you live in a very privileged little bubble.

you're grounded, no iwhatever for today, fanboy

I wonder how many hobos are going to be fighting over that house-box when it's thrown away

People get paid for driving cars around in ovals?

It was a major upgrade from the original black & white buttons it replaced.

Not exactly a controller, but the Vita and 3DS buttons are PERFECT. Clicky and punchy, the way papa likes them. If "Xbox, Go Home" can make the list, the Vita's Dpad can as well, and it bloody well should.

After much vigorous debate it was determined that the GunCon trigger is superior in many (though not all) ways to the Zapper trigger.

I don't think you've seen Japanese porn, have you? The penises are censored. That doesn't seem like free and open sexual liberty to me. Maybe those cultural differences aren't as dichotomous as you think they are, when compared to the West.

I like how you blame terrorists and the government in the same sentence. How would you suggest these people to attack terrorists? Who qualifies as a terrorist in your book? I'm sure that attacking a government agency, with apparently nothing to lose and are known for their ability to track people through electronic

Just as one group is claiming to have brought down many of EA's servers, another is boasting of having taken down much of Valve's mighty Steam network.