
Serious? Or joking?
Sorry, hard to convey context through the interwebs.

Hey I live in California and wouldn't mind shipping you a copy from here in the states. But the big question is; how much is shipping from California to the UK? I'm sure we can figure out the money aspect without much trouble, but if shopping to you is gonna cost $30-$40 bucks there's just no point.
Good luck picking

Soul Sacrifice? I'm in love with the game. 60 hours in, and still a ways to go.
Quick, everyone go buy as many copies of soul sacrifice that they can afford!!!

Thank you for reading my mind and posting this.

Soul Sacrifice is my favorite game on the console. I've got over 60 hours in the game and still have a ton of levels still left to beat. The beautifully twisted and mutated monsters look amazing. The combat can be a grinding affair at times. But the sweet loot keeps me coming back for more.
Enjoy the game my friend!

Soul Sacrifice is my favorite game on the console. I've got over 60 hours in the game and still have a ton of levels still left to beat. The beautifully twisted and mutated monsters look amazing. The combat can be a grinding affair at times. But the sweet loot keeps me coming back for more.
Enjoy the game my friend!

Yea but Thanksgiving was yesterday. Sounds like I'm in the states and you are not.

Ahhhh.... I was just joking.... Sorry, it's hard to convey context over the interwebs.

Did you even real the article you linked? There's literally ZERO evidence or even relevant information presented.... The "facts" the author attempts to bring up have either been proven wrong, or are complete conjecture.
The site was fan made. ALL the evidence points in that direction. ALL of it.
Look I want fallout 4 as

Did you even real the article you linked? There's literally ZERO evidence or even relevant information presented.... The "facts" the author attempts to bring up have either been proven wrong, or are complete conjecture.
The site was fan made. ALL the evidence points in that direction. ALL of it.
Look I want fallout 4 as

Any proof or evidence to back up that claim? Or just standard talking out of one's ass?

Does anymore know if electric cars in Japan are as 'popular' as they are in the US?

What are these "proper permits" you speak of?

Damn, are guys as hard as me after that?

Chill the Fuck out man. Grow up and gain some perspective. The small things won't bother you as much. You flying off the handle completely discredits your argument. That's the problem. You may be completely right in your assertion, but saying it like a total ass hat surely doesn't help get your point across.

You could always just bring a friend with you. That way you're both only trading in one 360. Eliminate the problem before there even is one. Probably won't be an issue regardless, although I do know when somebody brings in multiples of one product they ALWAYS test them out first.
Good luck!

Bummed there's no vita games or accessories.
Not surprising thought unfortunately.... Still makes me a sad panda bear.

Well at a minimum, mission accomplished on being an asshole. You're a great example to others who have no idea what asperger's really is and don't know anybody who has it. All they know is the bullshit they see on tv and the internet and judge people according to how they think they want to be treated according to

I know, I know... But when the vita launched it was the only shooter available... I didn't have a choice... I swear I didn't! Stop judging me! Don't even look at me. I don't deserve it. I'm sorry. So so sorry.

NBA2k. Totally different. It's made by visual concepts/2k sports.
Actually a really fun game, easy to understand and play. Extremely clean and generally speaking the better NBA game over the years (especially over the last few years when it was the only NBA game....).