
However you feel about the underlying issue, Kanell led with “not the right time, man,” which is almost always bullshit.

Three charges and the jury deliberated an hour. This is a jury’s way of saying the prosecutor’s case was a joke.

Your comment is good and I am starring it so people can see it because it is good

Your comment is bad and I am starring it so people can see it because it is bad

Public defenders usually have 90-120 clients at any given time. They give a shit, or they wouldn’t be working there. But it’s literally impossible for them to devote this kind of attention to each client. If that pisses you off, you should contact your representatives to allocate more funds and hire more public


Needs to at least be asked: did you get her OK before posting this?

They’ve been estranged for more than a year, as I mentioned more than once in the article. Their marriage is over in all but the irrelevant legalistic sense—as evidenced by the fact that Matt Barnes himself claimed to be pursuing a relationship with Rihanna not two months ago. Did he beat himself up for interfering in

A point that a fair number of readers seem not to be getting is this: The problem isn’t that journalists made jokes about a grim story. The problem is that they based their jokes on pretty much all the facts and backstory of the story except for the single most salient and chronically overlooked one, and in so doing

I think that one of the main reasons these jokes are considered acceptable is the way it was framed by the media - as a Barnes vs. Fisher battle . Two rich men acting like High Schoolers over a girl is funny. However, that framing eliminates Gloria from the story. By doing so, it eliminates the real terror that must

Yes, it very much fucking is off base to say that, unless by “known better” you mean he should have been sitting at the front door with a shotgun waiting to greet this dickbag properly. It is not in any way required or expected for Derek Fisher or Gloria Govan to make relationship decisions based on fear of what Matt

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect that professional sportswriters who bother to comment on this situation have some semblance of prior knowledge of Matt Barnes’ record. Especially given that a lot of them are using that very record as a basis for their back-slapping chortles.

I’ll take them seriously the day they put forth legislation saying that the government can mandate that everyone has be typed for organ donation, and you have to donate bone marrow, a lobe of your liver, a kidney, etc if there is someone on a recipient list who is a match, and will die within the next 6 months without

Why was she scared if they were having a staring contest? Why was she scared ANYWAY they’re just a bunch of kids in school?

“You’re not ‘old’ enough to get that call Cam. I’d give that call to an ‘old’ quarterback like Peyton Manning or Tom Brady or Andrew Luck or Ryan Tannehill or Nick Foles or Johnny Manziel, or Flacco, or Julian Edelman if they call his number for a passing play, but never to a ‘young’ guy like you or Michael Vick or

The level of sheer ego here is what blows my mind. Look, you jackass, your signature in your official capacity has nothing to do with your personal approval. No one gives a shit what a county clerk thinks about their lives. All you were ever doing was certifying that whatever you were signing was valid according to

Just wanted to chime in and say that I like abortion! Plenty of people like abortion! It is a value-neutral medical procedure that saves lives, improves economic and educational outcomes for women, and is one of the greatest tools to combat systemic and generational poverty.

That lie was DISGUSTING. And fuck the moderator & “fact checkers” for not calling that bullshit out right away. I know they’re doing it for ratings & didn’t want to seem too anti-republican (read honest/intelligent) by bringing up the bullshit they said but that went waaaaay too far. The media would rather give these

One of my favorite Kim Davis tweets: