
My driver’s license clearly states I’m an organ donor (once I’m brain dead, take everything!) So clearly I am trafficking in human body parts. That is the logic.

some time in the mid-90s I fell out of my bunk bed and hit my head. My parents took me to the ER, and the doctors asked me various questions to determine my mental status. One of them was “Who’s in charge at the White House?” I deadpanned “Hillary” and had the whole ER laughing. I was seven or eight.

Whenever someone tries to list all the NFL teams, the Titans are always the one they can’t seem to remember.

As a non-American my understanding of the arguments around the Confederate (Battle) Flag go like this -

In situations like that, there should be different policies for non-violent and violent offenders. This shouldn’t have anything to do with protecting transwomen from cismen or protecting ciswomen from transwomen. Violent and dangerous offenders are violent and dangerous offenders regardless of gender and they should

To be fair, baseball is really, really important.

Pedro Strop didn’t have the best performance out of the Cubs’ pen tonight, giving up a homer and then putting two

I’m a white atheist, but I was sobbing by the end of that, hoping against hope that Rev. Pinckney and his flock found their heavenly reward.

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.

Other big exciting news coming down from the Supreme Court today! Under the Fair Housing Act it’s enough to prove that a policy or practice has a disparate impact (ie the policy doesn’t have to be discriminatory on its face; if the policy has a disproportionately adverse impact on minorities it violates the FHA).

Writing for the majority, Justice Roberts said, “Holy shit, this whole lawsuit was so fucking stupid.”

I was mainly talking about visual art.

“Laws aren’t ethics, they are informed by them. And they often take a long, long time to catch up.”

Doesn’t make it not worthwhile.