
Quality and quantity of representation has real tangible effects on groups of peoples. That’s really the bottom line.

I really have gotten no indication that Bernie expects or is desperate to win at this point. He’s said several things that rather pointedly suggest that is not the case. But you can’t campaign while also not at least pretending you’re trying to win. That’s just not how it works.

The thing is that school districts aren’t set in stone, nor are the exact number of and locations of schools. It is not like it accidentally ended up being the case that one school has no white kids.

“...blaming “Marvel corporate” for the decision he ultimately went along with because Marvel money is major.”

This is a good clarification, but I don’t know how you can say one school is 99 percent black and then insist that the segregation is not in fact racial.

That seems more tactful than saying it while he was still alive, imo.

I’m 25 and class of 2009... Difference between American and Australian school systems?

The photo was even whiter than I imagined. Out of about 100 girls only two were definitely not white and I don’t see any that appear to be black.

IMO, Davis actually has more leverage because he has so little money (relatively). It’s not like with Stan where they can say, “We’ll give you what you want so long as you pay through the nose.” As long as Davis can get a good deal out of Vegas they may have no better option than to go along with it.

After finding exactly what he said it seems that he may have been joking... which I guess he might have thought was funny? I don’t know.

I’m pretty sure Jen Kirkman explicitly denied that it was about CK, which seems like a big omission considering how pissed she was at you all for tying her to CK in the first place.

I recall reading that he copped to at least one incident being him.

1) This is a spoiler despite the claim otherwise.

I actually thought that it managed to be a Cap movie instead of an Avengers movie despite having all of them in it.

One scout, when asked why Cook was falling in the draft, said he was a media creation. Which is true.

1) Jay has absolutely made a good album since The Black Album, with American Gangster being the best in that time.

One thing that may make this particular implosion different from other recent ones is that Goldwater marked the start of the two parties being ideological opposites, a clear cut progressive and conservative party. Prior to that parties had traditionally just represented different interest groups (which is not to say

One of the provisions refers to victims being unable to consent due to “mental disability,” which could very well include intoxication to the point of unconsciousness, even if it may not be what the legislators intended it to mean. Combine that with the plain meaning of forcible sodomy and I have to concur that there

Maybe there’s hope for a US release of Terranigma yet.

The draft should be abolished altogether but as it stands now it probably is unconstitutional that only men have to register.