Uh. Patriarchy is not just men being in charge. It is the whole system by which men remain in charge, and women can and do become complicit in it.
Go patriarchy, for raising young women with no empathy and support for one another.
Maybe no one wants to see another white woman play Cleopatra again.
I completely, totally agree. I would never call Idris Elba "The Black Bond." I would, however, call him "The Most Sexy Bond Ever," "The Bond I Would Most Like to Shag Me," and "The Bond I Would Actually Buy a Movie Ticket to Go See."
It reminds me of the way that people focused intensely on the homophobic portion of the comments made by the Duck Dynasty guy, and kinda just skimmed over the part where he was horribly racist.
We certainly do. Sometimes we contemplate it quickly, sometimes in a leisurely fashion. Sometimes we're naked in the tub. Contemplating hard.
I think I wanna sit cross-legged on the couch with tea and talk about it with ya. I totally agree.
If you exclude everyone that breaks a single tenet of Catholicism, I doubt there would be much of a church left (premarital sex? I'd say that would eliminate the majority of Catholics). Many people identify as Catholics and worship as Catholics, but disagree with some of the teachings of the church.
The thing about change is that someone within has to start the change.
Uh. Where do you get the idea that religion exists solely to put forth a particular list of beliefs? I mean, religious texts aren't just bullet points. Furthermore, the teachings based on those same religious texts have changed a lot over the years. You know, in the early Middle Ages, Catholic priests weren't strictly…
That last picture made me choke up.
Is one of the other women his sister? It is Jaime Lannister, after all.