
It just warms my heart to know that the cast is still quite friendly with one another. It's not that often you get a show like FNL and knowing that the cast love each other as much as the fans love them is just really awesome. FNL is one of my all time favorite television experiences, watched all the season with my


Somehow this is made even worse with all the older adults in the pictures dressing in blackface too. At first I was hoping to maybe chalk it up to the stupidity of youngsters but the fact that older adults were at the party and willingly dressed in such ignorant and racist fashion just reminded me, these kids had to

So I am hoping to go on an R&R retreat to Kripalu (yoga & health center) during my spring break this year and I was hoping people might have their own experiences at the center (or at similar places) and want to share them. My mom has been going for years and it's one of her favorite places, but I was wondering what

Even thought its one of my favorite films and I own it on dvd and everything I can only watch Atonement like once a year. I just end up really sad afterwards for a while. The acting in that film is just so perfect too.

I follow the advice of this quote from the vastly underrated film, Elizabethtown,"Sadness is easier because it's surrender. I say, make time to dance alone with one hand waving free." In fact I did just that the other day, just five mins of that while listening to music and dancing around the room made my mood shift,

Atonement, the second half of the film just wrecks me every time. Its one of those films that are so beautiful and awfully heartbreaking. I also cry at the end of the Indian film, Rang de Basanti, (it's a bit of a controversial film from what I understand) but the last few scenes of the movie make me cry. Especially

Elton John's 'Candle in the Wind' the 1997 version has made me cry ever since I first herd it when Princess Di passed away. Its gotten to the point that no matter what version of the song it is I'll start tearing up every time I hear it. I don't know, I think it was one of the first sad songs I ever remember hearing

Oh gosh, this is so me. To be honest it happens a lot. I sort of see guys and think they are really handsome and start to crush on them without really knowing them. It's not very healthy I know. But when I was a freshman in college I began crushing on this guy who lived two doors down from me on my dorm floor. At

You know in the past I've thought about dressing up as a ham for halloween in honor of my gal Scout but I do not have much faith in the general public and think most of them wouldn't get it.

You can thrift your clothes but as for labels which are pretty reasonable I highly recommend People Tree. They usually have really good sales going on, are high quality, and their clothes are made as ethically and sustainably as possible. Keep in mind though that sometimes their is a bit of a 'sticker shock' since we

Me too. I go through days where I binge listen to her records and every time I just think, "what a talent. I wish she was still here." I've been listening to her a lot lately, I've been loving her take on 'Our Day Will Come,' such a beautiful voice.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, let's be friends, please? Seriously, this dude is the coolest and I am still freaking out (though I found out ages ago) that he's working on The Hamilton Mixtape, the musical about the founding fathers that you never knew you needed, my history and musical nerd sides are very happy about that!

Yes! I've only seen photos of the show and a trailer or two but I was so surprised to see Queen Susan of Narnia was on this show. I would have thought she'd go onto bigger and better things. Doesn't really seem like any of the Narnian royals have gotten up to much after the movies though. Which is slightly

If it makes you feel better people always come up to me and when they find out my name they go, "oh my grandmother/great-aunt/etc has that name!" I've never had anyone around my age say "that's my friend's name." It's not popular here in the states at all but is a bit more common in the uk, that is also the only place

Yeah, that's my gal! Speaking the truth in a concise and completely understandable way. I love how eloquent Maddow is, all while being her charming self. Thank goodness for her and her BS detector, she tells it like it is.

My mom's so talented that she's a teacher in an underfunded city school. And a quilter and knitter too. Over the last few years she's been designing her own quilts, many of them with the theme of peace and mindfulness. Her quilts have chakras, hamsa's, other jewish symbols and doves on them. She's a budding

Well, to be fair, it is a very American thing to do. ;)

It's true though isn't it, "Everyone's gay and/or straight for #33?" Also, Riggins is one of those men that you can just fangirl over with your mother. I watched the show with my sister and mom and all three of us just love #33. He's much more then the "bad boy" he's a total softie whom I adore.

So I haven't watched the trailer yet since the roommate is in the room and it could end up being very awkward viewing but I'll probably see this at some point. Mainly for Michael B. Jordan, that man, so so adorable on FNL. And I make it a point to support the actors from FNL no matter how terrible (or wonderful) their