
It’s 40 minutes from Salt Lake Valley, meaning the Magna area. From downtown Salt Lake City, it’s a longer drive.

This is just one more nail in the Miller family coffin.

My opinion: Ambulances should be equipped with video cameras and license plate recorders, and when people fail to give way, instant license suspension with a hefty fine.

I want proof the sub didn’t sink.

Super durable steel frame + inertia + second vehicle with round-ish body and enough space to roll = totally badass screw-up.

Again, bullshit.

That’s not correct. Blacktop was always meant for cars, period. It was invented for cars.

I’ve seen some good cyclists in major cities, but let’s face it...saying “some” cyclists are bad is completely understating it.

Stop pretending like cyclists don’t act like they’re god.

Bullshit, and you know it.

You forgot “flippant disregard for the law.” It is an essential part of biking.

This isn’t even remotely an accurate list.

Funny...the same thing happened to me about 4 years ago.

So is this like the Russian version of American trucks?

They forgot to include day laborers.

See, all we need to change perceptions of Americans is to keep doing the same stupid stuff, wear Ralph Lauren while doing it, and be handsome with nice glutes.

The ad was a farce. An unrealistic observation of home automation.

Last I checked, loss of freedom of expression isn’t part of incarceration.

I went on a date with a guy who had a truck like this.

Riding in a trailer? Not illegal in Michigan, where I live. This is the kind of thing that sounds like it might be frowned on by the Fun Police but no one has outlawed it yet. It is illegal for children to ride in the beds of pickup trucks going over 15 MPH but adults can ride back there all they want.