
I can’t stand people.

Is it just me, or is there some sort of resurgence of clamshell phones?

True, though I don't think anyone would take my mom seriously if she tried to rob them.

sometimes questionable

My mother will again be driving my Equinox while I am away in Boston for about a month.

I wonder how well this works on memory foam?

Can’t finish story. Focused steadily on how geek hot/cute Darren is.

Such is the wish of every Apple fanatic.

You do realize that serial is the best, most universal form factor for SAs, right?

But all is not lost, entomophagists. The study says that another bug, the black soldier fly, might actually be may be a far more efficient protein-producer. There are actually plenty of projects exploring the viability of raising the larvae in tiny fly farms at home.

The only thing that would make this better would be a built-in air compressor!

It is an American company doing business in another nation.

He's actually lucky he's a bigger guy.

I say they take priority.

Oh, I surely did.

Oh no. No.

Was Robin Hood of Silicon Valley taken?
