The Fine Print

"Murder" specifically refers to the killing of a human being. Animals may be "slaughtered," "killed," "exterminated," "euthanized," etc depending on the situation.

Collectively not giving a shit about Kim K?

Before you rail against the attention paid to Kim K. when there's, like, real news happening: The Wall Street Journal compared the number of tweets containing #BreakTheInternet and "Kardashian" vs. #cometlanding and "comet," from the 24-hour period starting 11 a.m. yesterday. Turns out space program won, hands down.

Someone should do something about the human rights catastrophe that is the 2022 World Cup! Qatari authorities, for

Some of theseach are just pure nightmare fuel

Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.

Really, just to be humble. Not a pushover, humble.

Relevant. Kim kinda fits the above description of a "poacher" but I can't hate. Figure if a dude is gonna leave me for another woman, I hope it is at least someone badass like her.

This might not be a super popular opinion, but I've always thought that the other person/poacher/stealer/whatever was a lot less important than the person who has committed to me (or anyone else). Granted, someone coming on to your partner when they're clearly in a committed relationship is horribly disrespectful,

That, and the fact that feminst circles can be hostile and intolerant. I'm a feminist but I definitely have issues with the movement.