The Fine Print

Relevant. Kim kinda fits the above description of a "poacher" but I can't hate. Figure if a dude is gonna leave me for another woman, I hope it is at least someone badass like her.

This might not be a super popular opinion, but I've always thought that the other person/poacher/stealer/whatever was a lot less important than the person who has committed to me (or anyone else). Granted, someone coming on to your partner when they're clearly in a committed relationship is horribly disrespectful,

That, and the fact that feminst circles can be hostile and intolerant. I'm a feminist but I definitely have issues with the movement.

Sorry but her work speaks louder than her words and that is what matters, she is helping some of the most underprivileged women in the world.

Women have different reasons for not wanting to identify themselves as "feminists."

First she is actually doing something about women's rights which is a hell lot more than most Tumbler feminists ever have done or will do.

looking at these things you wonder why they're so mythologized and worshiped. they look rather insignificant and vulnerable. "penis envy",my ass. i love my vulva.

Daniel Craig, "Love is the Devil"

They have destructive relationships, rarely admit they're wrong, or rationalize away evidence or experiences contradictory to their worldview—even if that evidence is right in front of their faces.

She should have picked a girl to molest.

Also a valid reason to get fired: showing your bosses a sex tape you made.

boner killer.

I had the same thought. That shit looks like a mouthful of paper towels.

I don't think he is a bigot, you guys are missing the point. What he is saying about the teachings of Islam is true. As a person that has spent many years in an islamic republic and read the Koran, he isn't entirely wrong. Have you read the Koran? It is a book of exceptions and vengeance. Justice should be served