Aww, that poor kiddo. I almost choked as a kid and it’s terrifying.
That’s what I thought too!
Yikes! Glad you’re physically o.k. Hugs!
I don't say the pledge for many reasons, but especially that line.
Oh, that horrible! Poor baby!
Wow! That's nuts, maybe she needs some calm down time in that closet.
I read the book at some point in high school and remember seeing it on t.v. I loved it instantly, and Foster is fantastic in it.
Mais, no. Merci!
Wherebthey in the U.P.? There's some gold mines in the second-hand stores.
Narcissistic hysterics?
Hugs! I periodically go through bouts of it too, ironically with strawberries, which I love.
I'm so sorry about your friend
I splashed out on takeout since I’ve been feeling badly so that was nice. This month has also been great for my budget!
I splashed out on takeout since I’ve been feeling badly so that was nice. This month has also been great for my…