I gave up Lent for Lent years ago.
I gave up Lent for Lent years ago.
She’s such a Teacher, conflict, boom! resolved, then back to work.
Is his supposed to be egg shaped too?
These are golden! Still don't like her.
I think that is very true. She seems to revel in the good stories but doesn't want anyone to say anything bad. It can't be both ways at once.
Yes, me too. I've collected a lot of nice antiques this way.
Ditto. Time to start again
What does fois gras taste like? I've had paties (sp) but have been curious about this for a long time.
That was crazy!
It's so odd. I had an old friend in high school that.stalked me for a while. For her I think it was a combo of the upheaval of gradating, plus the detb of a parent.
Still one of my favs. Thanks for the clip.
I’d always seen his Irene Adler as being like Sherlock, too cerebral except for that one person that has a certain magnetism.
I always wanted Lucy to have three husbands. Why aren’t my wishes ever fufilled?
That chef is really great, Terri Gross interviewed him last year about his relief work.
Chris truly does Rock, that's a fantastic line.
Seconded, although I prefer his slightly lisped British accent.
My Dad's a former marathoner and has had so much skin cancer. Luckily his one brush with melanoma ended cleanly but being fair, I wear sunsleeves, suncreen, and hats, all the time!!
You think it would. I’m in TX and many of my coworkers would support her right to own a gun. But again I’d say what good did it do her?