
Love Caitlin

It will be your funeral, I’m sure you can do both. :) I’ve been wanting to buy a cardboard casket with poppies and clouds and then have a green burial.

We tried really hard not to re-elect him.

Seconded! Her blog and tone on the website were funny, the little bit I've caught on the show just falls flat to me.

Eek! That is not a fun memory, but trying to make them would be.

Yikes! So glad you're ok. A few of my friends have had this over the past few years. Eek!

That is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

Whoa! My cramps have always been bad, but now I'm spending a day or two in bed. Thanks for posting!

Go you! What's a chop saw?

I do very basic woodwork, built small furniture, Shaker repros, etc... what are you making?


Psyanki are awesome, I’ve never been very good at them, but even this lapsed Irish/Polish Catholic is looking for a butter lamb today.

I have lived in Bryan for a decade, and pass by the former clinic, at which I had tried to volunteer, every day. An uncle of mine sent me her book, which I read, when it was published. She’s a huge hypocrite and I curse her every time I pass it now.


Loved her in that!


Not alome at all. I chose him to narrate my sleeping books on Calm, and loved him in Ripper St.

My uncle was in an iron lung as a kid and is dealing with Post-Polio Syndrome too. It's so hard to watch.

Good luck!

I’m trying really hard to reduce my food waste too. I'm also really excited to start making fun meals for the fridge and make my own compost on my apartment balcony. Shhh...