
I’m so sorry

So sorry for your Dad, and your Mom, how hard that must have been for both of them them. Hug!

I would have been a million, give or take, and I just live in the hospital for a long time with monotors, and incubators but no surgeries. Dad had just gotten a full-time job with insurance and they had help from March of Dimes and another Childres Charity. Otherwise I’m sure they’d still be paying me off and I’m 37.

Hus! Seeking treatment for my OCD/anxiety was the best thing ever. Do it.

A friend referenced him the other day and I got very excitedthinking it was Mel Brooks, I was thinking WTF Mel?

Hugs! I have “good” insurance and haave trouble paying for my surgery last month. At least I got it rhough.

I did all my chores today and hiked two moles with my new pack.

Must read now...

Off to go look up my copies!

I’ve agreed with that as I’ve gotten older although I stll don’t see why poor Beth couldn’t have gotten her moment in the sun and married hi for a bit.

My boyfriend is fifteen-years-older, and we met as independent adults too. I see it as a Jo/Baher, or Emma/Knightley situation...maybe I read too much. :)


As someone who has OCD I hope she has too. Poor thing.

I know, I’m looking for that now. :)

Gaah! OMG! Not the artifacts!!!

I’m sure she’s a smoker too, she probably wants to be in there as well.

Lucky! I wanted to go sooo badly fortheir Mourning Wear exhibit last year and couldn’t make it. Had to enjoy the photos instead.

As a museum person I would love to! “Bye, bye, now. Don’t bleed on the artifacts as you stumble out the door!”

Ugh... gross

They can, but they aren’t fighting puberty, they welcome it because it makes them better athletes.