
Love you, I laughed at this.


I grew up Up North (in wintery MI) and there’s a scout badge for spending 24 hours outside below freezing. I’ve camped in cold weather, but ths takes a kind of inner strength, and really good layering, that I don’t think I have. Best of luck to them, and some more blankets.

I clean mine like crazy, but cam completely understand their need for a ziplock. In fact I think water got in while i was washing it and it died. Ten years though, was totally worth it. Thanks for the tips M&S!

Yes! I’m such a minimalist I start looking to get rid of thing at other people’s places, but mostly cause I want to dust/clean.

I tried once and it was hard to both have OCD and not be a cleaning Nazi because people were paying me to help. I found most people had boxes of photos they wanted to go through.

Good for him!

I was sad when my Lelo died, but even I knew it couldn’t be recycled, threw it out, and bought another. My boyfriend and I greatly enjoy it. :)

No, really!!!

Hugs and a thumbs up to you!

Those need to be recycled!

That’s an awesome side gig for me too, pet or house-sotting, just a a general FYI.

My dad jokes about this and they really arent serious hoarders at all

Hugs! My parents are clean people but have piles, and rooms we always had stacks of crap in as kids. I understand and am sending you hugs. Hiring a cleaning team, or therapists if you can. Hugs!

Any of them if it’s your wish, I’m sure.

Yes, please!


It is always C) the worst choice of any options

I was much more saddened by Dr. Oz. I’d held out hope for a long time and really like him when he was on just her show as a serious Dr.

That’s who I was thinking of, yes, like she’s in charge of the world or something.