That’s what I was thinking too. Thanks for articulating that...sigh...
That’s what I was thinking too. Thanks for articulating that...sigh...
I wish he’d going back to the pre-fame version, he seems like an excellent surgeon and great physician, it’s a shame he’s lost his way.
we need those tents and tarps like they use in the U.k.
I need to look into this Lucas Black.
I’d agree, sadly, but it’s true. When I was going through my “I want to be a Dr. phase” and looking at all kinds of medical stuff on the internet I stumbled onto those pages, and the comments/stories) behind them still bother me. Not so much the photos, although those are graphic and sad, but the horrible stuff people…
Can the BDSM kids come over if we bring jello-shots?
I’m not very religious but I used to think that before 2000 hit and the world was supposed to end...I wanted to graduate college first. Now I want to see Crimson Peak and High Rise...
Hugs. He seemed like a nice guy, very glad to see that was true.
Me too!!!
WHO recommends breastfeeding up until 2 years, with supplemental foods when the baby wants them at 6 months or so and up.
I’m kidnapping that idea, great thought!
After dealing with a school group where one child was a non-stop (non-stop!!!!) whiner for my whole ten minute talk. I’d asked him to sit down on the floor with all the other students, he didn’t want to, and when he couldn’t get my attention to argue with me, he promptly badgered the adult next to him until she got up…
My cousin had a baby a few years ago, he’s a lot younger than me, so it’s almost like having a kid of mine own now and we were astonished when we realized that his mom was reading him magazines because he had no books. We gave him so many books, how can a kid not love reading, looking at photos, and get comfort from…
A bit off topic but I’ve always thought the idea of Centaur’s pretty cool.
Fellow OCD/anxiety sufferer here, so I’m choosy with bedmates. I’d at least try a robot guy. :) I’d also try a Sybian if I could afford to, they seem pretty awesome!
Sing it sister!
I love her!
My godsister and I touched up my godmother’s makeup before folks came in for the viewing and had a bit of a teary breakdown/laughing moment when we really screwed up her makeup and they had to redo it. Ann would have loved it... but her lipstick (and it was her’s) just looked so crazy bright, like they’d put on too…
I haven’t read her, I’ll have to look her up. We did so much reading in my AP. classes, they were my favorites!
Ahhh, the list! Fellow A.P. English geek, I do remember that list. I laughed when I got it because I had already read most of it...which was helpful. We didn't have to do that kind of project, but every year before school we had to read four summer books and be prepared to write on any of them our first day back, and…