
Yes! I'm poor but damnit I tip well. And seeing how a guy treats waitstaff is up there with small kids and animals as a general demeanor guide.

I like SPAM, and now I want some...

Me too! It's right up there with seeing how they treat kids or small animals.

Yup, IIRC that is very much true.

Yes! That part was crazy to me in the book...'how do you know Claire, you've just gone back in time>?!' And I'm as skeptic, science-y, as they come!

What's ESL? Spanish sign?

hahahah!!! That had to be hard, but funny after a while.

I have a friend whose two children are profoundly deaf, and one hearing child. I grew up knowing some ASL because my Dad is a Special Ed teacher, and I have a few friends that know it, or are interpreters. I find this endlessly fascinating because Deaf Culture isn't something I'm too well versed in, and I'm struggling

Put it back...argh!!! Plus there aren’t nearly enough yellow m’s. And yes I have OCD, how can you tell? :) (Seriously I do, that green M is driving me batty)

I've never been a girl/teen/woman that's dreamed about her own wedding and I've never been married, but I'd love to go to one of these shows just to do it. But sadly I work weekends so I probably will never get to go. Boo!

ouch! you poor thing especially since you had to stay in the hospital...

You poor, poor, thing... I remember those murders too. chills.

Two of three of my friends have recommended P.E.I. in Canada as a good honeymooning place. It's different, lots to do, and fun.

Hugs! My family are marathoners, and my brother and SiL lived a block away from the bombings a year before it happened. Luckily that year no one was running from our family but we all had a tear in our eye since we knew it so well.


Fascinating stuff, what a cool job, thanks for filing me in. :) I love science! I’d also asked them to add one of my anti-emetic drugs from my migraine regime Ondensen (SP) just in case. Even with laproscopic surgery I was surprised how long it took me to recover, dry-heaving would not have been helpful. =/

I’m so sorry about your relative, that’s horrible.

Is the Propofol what they use for surgery now, or general anesthesia? (not sure if you’re an Anesthesiologist) I only ask because I had my gallbladder out last year and I woke up feeling generally really good, in comparison to when I had my wisdom teeth out 15 years ago, much less ‘hangover’ feeling for sure.

The only time, or few times, I’ve seen this happen with my own eyes is when my brother went through a spell of night-terros as a teenager, where he was so deeply asleep he was walking, talking, moving around but didn’t remember a thing once we woke him up. This dude wasn’t asleep.

Does that mean my five migraine drugs, put that pesky OTC anti-diarrhea med, will combine into a foul stew and turn me into one of the witches from Macbeth?! Can I fly around and turn the GOP into newts for Beltaine? :) Wheeeee!!!