
Yes Ma'am!

I've had shingles repeatedly and I still can't get the vaccine, which bugs me. I would be happy to get it. Shingles is worse than the case of chicken pox I has a kid I think, but that's becuase I get the lasting neuralgia for a long time. On top of other chronic pain, joy...

I'm sorry about your vision. I have had several bouts of shingles in my late teens and throughout my twenties, but luckily non lately. Hugs!

I'm in my mid-thirties, in the U.S., and my uncle, in his mid-sixties now, was in an iron-lung as a kid and paralyzed for a while. He now is suffering post-polio syndrome. People that discourage parents from giving their children, are insane and complete assholes. Those poor kids have no say. Argh!

Love seeing his real hair color, and the Brits squished in the middle. :)

Does no one eat rabbits anymore? They make great hats and mittens, best for keeping me warm in the winter, and tasty. yum!

Thanks for the reminder, I enjoyed reading her stories about that. I'd still do it, even if I didn't write up a piece about it, they still seem like nice guys. :)

James Deen and Miguel Ferrera seem to be really nice guys too, from what I hear. I'd do a shoot with either of them, if you I had a snowball's chance. Anyone know at all?

Awesome, thanks for sharing so much about the AVN's and dealing with the red carpet and Beverly. :)

I'm more willing to speak my mind and less automatically obedient to authority (AKA Mom), other than that I think I have the same character. Thank goodness I wasn't a jerk like the Bushes though, whew!

That makes a lot of sense, thanks!

love Austin and their attitude! :)

So glad you were ok and protected at work. A round of drinks for everyone!!

That is an awesome response!

Ew! I'm surprised ti wasn't the placenta! :) I'm a Park Ranger and get paid diddly, but love my job and have an M.A., and people are so surprised about it; or that you have to have a B.A. in most states to work as a Ranger (or substitute experience).

Good for you! I'm high-fiving through the net!

As I get older I'm not a fan of steak or pork (unless bacon) and even I want a little piece of that.

As a Michigander originally, I approve. It's odd to me to hear Missouri, or Kansas in there, although I know some people count them in the Midwest too.

I love you for that! If only I could do that when people hand out little tracts or small testaments.

Poor Mike, I would have turned to Asshole and said, 'I have a a degree in neuroscience, what's your's in?'. But it probably wouldn't have done anything to change his mind, although ti would have felt good.