
Me too sister! I was already head-over-heels with the first book anyway but by the time it got to his 'I don't threaten I promise' I was totally ready to get in line.

And, he speaks French... oh la la!

I completely second these comments. I liked the last few chapters of WIMOHB but that's about it.

That is still my favorite!

This fabric is awesome! I would have several dresses made of it, and she loves it too. Good choice sister!

Too much sunbathing in youth...poor Goldie. When did she have plastic surgery?

That's why I like Consenual, 'gonzo' (whatever that means), and fun but also great chemistry most of the time and you know people are generally well taken care of. Deen also seems like a great guy to work with so as a feminist I dig him and his porn.

Poor Dianne, I loved her so much in Practical Magic I wanted to adopt her as my aunt and keep her forever. I still imagine she's that much of a badass all the time, which she is, just not shoving needles into dove's hearts. Although maybe she should start.

THanks for the warning. :)

That's what I'd guess too. I've never been pregnant but I've always had a horrible time with yearly pelvic exams but ironically the Paps themselves aren't too bad (yea?), but moving the speculum around gives me a panic attack.

Lelo is the best and hugs to both of you for being patient with each other. Glad she's healed well and that you two can get it back on. Green light is a go!

Extra points for mentioning Krampus!

I think I heard of it first, on all things, MTV's True Life: I have A Sex Disorder (or something like that). Fascinated and felt so much sympathy for those women.

Wrong Tom from England looking for a line of women to pay to date him. :)

If you find other single guys, like him but much less douchy, you can send them my way! :)

Damn, that's a shame. Nice tattoo, but definitely NSFW...

Ditto, and ditto!

I'd give a date with him a go!

As a fan of opera, who's high school BFF works in opera, I'm sooooo sorry that someone was so shitty to you as a fellow opera attendee. All the hugs!! I would have told him to go fuck himself, politely of course. :)

I hadn't known there was a script book! He definitely seemed smarmy though...dubcon it is and full sex then. Jerk! Glad he died!