
A spoonful of warm honey helps with a scratchy throat. Sorry you're still sick!

I want to see the ring!

hahaha! This was me for a day or so...but will be me if Hiddles ever gets engaged. To not me.

Yes please, if I can go on a date with them next week!

I can't keep this straight...

That really sucks to hear...poor things.

Thanks for asking what I was thinking!

That is a big bummer...I always want people to be as nice as they seem, i.e. Hiddles.

Me too!

Why do all the tall, thin, people marry other tall, thin, people? Life isn't fair... (not tall, or thin person here) Although she certainly can kiss him without having to really get contorted, which is helpful. :) I've never been able to do that...

Me too!

Yes, I do. So glad other people do too, but I think it's because I'm colonized with that the infected pore thing?

I saw that documentary a few years ago, it's very good but sad and interesting.

No worries!! I didn't take it that way at all. :)

I love you!

I know, that's what makes the myths so tantilizing...they do make great stories, and I point that out at work too. :)

That is actually from an article about a British visitor making fun of Americans, if I remember correctly. An excellent blog about history myths, since I try to break them all the time at work, is here: Myth #23....ā€¦

Thank you, fellow historian!!!

Hugs! It's been a few years since a guy seriously kissed me, and earlier this year I was rolling around naked in another guy's bed taking sexy photos just for the hell of it. And I would have loved for him to kiss me, or vice versa, but we were interrupted.